Mallorca 2014

I went on a five day trip to Mallorca. I won’t forget the priceless views of the mountains there. The only downside was that of those 5 days, we only had 3 days of sun… The other days were all rain, lightning and thunder.

The first day we went to the beach to go swimming, but in May the water was too cold. The beach was all empty. But still, I wanted to get into the water and went in, for 10 minutes. I couldn’t stand the cold water.

The next day we went to the medieval market and I saw some interesting things there, like owls.

And doughnuts.


After that medieval market we went to Cala Gat to go swimming again. We found some stray cats and fed them.

The next day we went on the great island trip. We went to Sa Calobra, which is a must see. There is this Torrent de Pareis, which is a giant crater.

To get there you have to go through the racing track in the mountains.

The bus was having some difficulties.

At last we arrived inside the Torrent de Pareis.

Then we took the boat to Puerto de Soller.

We took the train to Palma de Mallorca.

The other days, we finally got the sun in our back and went swimming. The beaches started to fill up with surfers and sun bathers as the weather turned warmer.

So it was a pretty nice holiday. Mallorca is a ghost city in May, but it gets full of tourists in the summer. The lounge bars in the evening are very recommendable. There are a lot of cats walking around. And you should go up the mountains to see the priceless view of the rocks and sea.

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