Angela Merkel With Hitler Moustache

Today at 18:00 on the Dutch NOS News, we could see Angela Merkel with a Hitler Moustache. Of course unintended, but it begs the question: “why do people even notice”?

Is Angela’s mandate so similar to Hitler’s? I disagree.
We could argue that Angela is pro austerity, but her actions are all but pro austerity. The best example is the bailout of the PIIGS by Germany.
Anyway, I just couldn’t resist posting this nice souvenir to Angela Merkel.

Angela Merkel’s Hitler Moustache at NOS News

Gold again at François Hollande highs

I predicted already that the downtrend of gold in function of the euro was very odd. Everyone would assume that the “Hollande” effect would be beneficial to gold.
And today gold hit an all time high again, since François Hollande became president of France, as predicted…
If you’re a U.S. citizen, your chance to buy gold is right now, as the euro is in oversold territory. 10 year U.S. government bonds are also overbought, with yields dropping 7% to 1.629%. Looks like a bubble to me.
Chart 1: Gold Price: Period after French Election

The Rich People of France are Leaving… for Belgium

I talked about the “Hollande Effect” in a previous article. One of the biggest fears of rich people is the 75% tax on their income once Hollande became president. So what happened the day Hollande became president? A record of 1500 applicants came to Belgium to store their wealth exactly after the French election day, as reported by Dekeyser & Associés. One of those super rich was Gérard Mulliez, boss of Auchan super mart.

This comes to a surprise to me, because Belgium isn’t the country with the lowest taxes in Europe…, but rather the highest.

The "Hollande" Effect

Investors are speculating on what will happen when François Hollande wins the French elections this Sunday 06 May 2012. Many things can occur, please go here to read about the consequences.

Election results

vmmaplayer={videoUrl:’′,width:400,height:225,title:’Nicolas Sarkozy voting’,imageUrl:’’,iWatchUrl:’’,zoneId:’hln’};
vmmaplayer={videoUrl:’′,width:400,height:225,title:’François Hollande voting’,imageUrl:’’,iWatchUrl:’’,zoneId:’hln’};